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Love All

We are a Christian Ministry that believes in the power of love. Our mission is to spread love to all people, just as Jesus taught us and the Holy Spirit leads us. We believe in giving, and in helping others. We provide resources, and compassion in whatever the need might be. Our organization leans on the guidance of the Holy Spirit, as we spread hope to those who may be struggling. Additionally, we emphasize the importance of family and friendship in the role it plays in our lives.

Our Mission and Heart

  • Love All Ministries was founded with our hearts mission of spreading God's love and hope to all people.

  • We desire to help those in need, including the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs.

  • We believe in the power of God through love.

  • We believe that loving God and all people is the most important part of our lives.

  • We live by the commandment Jesus Christ gives in Scripture, Matthew 22:37-39 TPT "'Love the Lord your God with every passion of your heart, with all the energy of your being, and with every thought that is within you.’ This is the great and supreme commandment. And the second is like it in importance: ‘You must love your friend in the same way you love yourself.'"


Our Partners

Love All Ministry is proud to partner with other Christian organizations who share our values and mission. Together, we are able to make a greater impact in our community and spread love to more people. We believe that by working together, we can achieve great things and make a positive difference in the world.

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